Definition: Pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg referred as Sciatica. It may be caused by injury to or pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Ayurvedic Diagnosis: Gridrasi
Clinical Notes: LBA radiating to the right lower limb
1. Slipped disk
2. Tumors
3. pain disorder involving the narrow muscle in the buttocks (Piriformis syndrome)
4. Pelvic injury or fracture
MRI , X RAY, Blood tests are recommended
Medicines at the time starting treatments:
1. Rasnasaptakam kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and Sindhuvara eranda 1 tsp all together to be taken in morning empty stomach.
2. Rasnasaptakam kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and Sahacharadi (7) 1 tsp all together to be taken in evening 6PM
3. Dasamoolarishtam+ Aswagandharishtam 30ml added with Yogarajaguggulu tab 1 at noon and night after food.
4. Dasamoolahareethaki leham 1 tsp taken at night bed time followed by a cup of boiled water
5. Rasnadi oil to be applied on the head
6. Prabhanjanam tailam+ Mahanarayana tailam+ Pinda tailam to be applied on the body
Treatments recommended:
1. Podikizhi: Kolakulathadi Churnam
2. Kativasti: Dhanwantaram Tailam+Murivenna
3. Matravasti:Pippalyadi Anuvasana Tailam
4. Pizichil
5. Navarakizhi
6. Snehavasti: Pippalyadi Anuvasana Tailam
7. Udwarthanam :Grihadhumadi Udwarthana Churnam+ Dhanyamlam
8. Kashayavasti:Madhutailikam Vasti,Ekaikaprasrutham Vasti,Erandamooladi Vasti,
Food recommended
2. Use only hot and cooked foods
3. Take plenty of fiber rich food
4. Avoid curd and cold foods
Yogic exercises recommended
1. Sahaja vastikriya
2. Agnisaradhauti
3. Sahaja pranayamam
4. Makarasanam
5. Sarvangasanam
6. Bhujangasanam
7. Ushtrasanam
Single day single drug treatment: contact email