Ayurveda Diagnosis: Amavatam
Clinical Notes may include
1. Pain and swelling of multiple joints
2. Morning stiffness
3. Chest pain
4. Dry eyes and mouth (Sjogren syndrome)
5. head ache
6. nodes under the skin
7. Numbness, tingling, or burning in the hands and feet
Investigations recommended:
1. Rheumatoid factor test
2. Anti-CCP antibody test
3. C-reactive protein
4. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
5. Joint ultrasound or MRI
6. Joint x-rays
Medicines recommended:
1. Ardhavilwam kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and Shaddharanam tab 1 all together to be taken in morning empty stomach & in evening 6PM
2. Suryaprabha tab 1 added with ginger juice at noon and night before food
3. Balarishtam+Aswagandharishtam 30ml at noon and night after food.
4. Dasamoolahareethaki leham 1 tsp taken at night bed time followed by a cup of medicated water with ginger
5. Balahatadi coconut oil to be applied on the head
6. Karpasastyadi tailam + Mahanarayana tailam+ Nimbamruthadi tailam to be applied on the body
7. Grihadhumadi lepa churnam + Dhanyamlam for external application
Treatments recommended:
1. Takradhara :
2. Podikizhi :kolakulathadi churnam
3. Snehavasti: Pippalyadi Anuvasana tailam
4. Kashayavasti: Madhutailikam vasti , ekaikaprasrutham vasti, erandamooladi vasti
5. Udwarthanam : Grihadhumadi udwarthana churnam+ dhanyamlam+takram
6. Bashpaswedam: dasamoolam kasayam
Food recommended:
1. Avoid curd, chilly, brinjal, cheese, milk and milk products, salt water fishes, cold foods and beverages
2. Use ginger, garlic, curcuma, honey
Yogic Exercises recommended:
1. Sahaja vasti kriya
2. Jaanusheershaasanam
3. Yogamudra
4. Sahaja pranayaamam
5. Agnisaaradhauti
Single day Single drug treatment: contact email
The patient need to take the medication for 21 days as prescribed. RA factor is found reduced and ESR will be under normal value. All the pain and swelling started to disappear after 7 days of treatment.