Ayurveda Diagnosis: Vicharchika
Clinical Notes may include
1. Black discolouration of the skin
2. Itching
3. Oozing of watery/ pus
4. Non healing wounds
Cause: Cause of the eczema according to modern science is increased pH of blood. According to Ayurveda Vicharchika is caused due to impure blood circulation. So the treatment principle of both the sconce is the same- make the blood to its original form
Medicines recommended:
1. Mahamanjishtadi kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and Vilangatanduladi churnam 1 tsp all together to be taken in morning empty stomach.
2. Aragwadhadi kasayam 15ml added with 45 ml lukewarm water and guggulu tiktakam gritam 1 tsp all together to be taken in evening 6PM
3. Moolakasavam+ Aragwadharishtam 30ml at noon and night after food.
4. Madhusnuhi rasayanam 1 tsp+Gandhaka rasayanam (21) 250mg taken at night bed time followed by a cup of boiled milk
5. Shuddhadurvadi coconut oil to be applied on the head
6. Eladi coconut oil +Neelidaladi coconut oil +Jeevantyadi yamakam to be applied on the body
Treatments recommended:
1. Takradhara(head):Aragwadhadi ganam
2. Kasayadhara(Body):Aragwadhadi kasayam
3. Udwarthanam: Nimbadi churnam + Triphaladi churnam
4. Lepam : Eladi churnam +takram
5. Snehavasti: Pippalyadi Anuvasana tailam
6. Kashayavasti: Pancha tiktakam vasti,eranda mooladi vasti
Food recommended:
Avoid curd, chilly, brinjal, cheese, milk and milk products, salt water fishes, cold foods and beverages
Avoid black gram
Use ginger, garlic, curcuma, honey
Yogic Exercises recommended:
1. Sahaja praanaayaama
2. Bramana praanaayaama
3. Sahaja agnisaram
4. Shayana pashchimothaanam
5. Agnisaaradhauti
Single day Single drug treatment: contact email
The patient need to take the medication for 21 days as prescribed. Within 14 days of Panchakarma treatment we can see more than 70% of the disease cured.